
Accessibility statement

Information for Academic Visitors

The Department of English and Related Literature welcomes applications from scholars who wish to spend up to one year in the Department as Academic Visitors. Applicants must hold a senior position in their University and normally have a PhD. The Department assumes that visitors will be in York to pursue their independent research and does not provide or arrange academic supervision.  Our academic staff have full and demanding workloads and will not usually be in a position to collaborate on articles or other publications with academic visitors. Exceptions may be possible, but only when this work is planned in advance of the visit or when a genuine and mutually beneficial research collaboration arises during the period of study.

Applicants should read the information below and then submit their full application by email to helen.barrett@york.ac.uk.

Application procedure

Please submit the following documents:

  • A letter of application, giving details of your research interests and indicating why it would be useful to spend time at the Department of English and Related Literature at York;
  • A CV, with full name, address, and current teaching position;
  • A letter of recommendation from your Head of Department or other senior academic who knows you and your work;
  • A clear indication of how you intend to pay the fee


The following are provided for Academic Visitors to the Department of English and Related Literature:

  • 四虎影院 email address and limited use of University and Department computing facilities;
  • Use of the University Library;
  • Desk in shared office with computing facilities;
  • Admission to undergraduate lectures (Academic Visitors are not normally admitted to Masters seminars);
  • Admission to research seminars and other public events;
  • A consultation with the Department's Faculty Librarian;
  • Limited free use of the Department's photocopier;
  • Attendance at our weekly staff coffee morning during term time


The bench fee is £220 per calendar month.  When you have been accepted by the Department, the University will send an invoice for the appropriate amount, which is to be paid in full before arrival.  The rate you will be charged will be the rate that is quoted at the time of application, and is not subject to negotation.

Visa procedures

The Department cannot provide advice on visas. For more information on visa applications, please visit the University's Immigration Advice Service website.

Best time to visit

The academic year at York is divided into two semesters. These begin with Semester 1  from mid September to end January. Semester 2 runs from February to mid June.  Semester dates are published on the University's website.

The University vacation begins in mid June and lasts until mid September. Many people are away at this time and the Department provides no teaching or events. 

Accommodation arrangements

The Department is unable to help with accommodation. Please contact Accommodation Services for more information.

Please note that the Department of English and Related Literature is first and foremost a Department concerned with research and teaching in the field of English literature. It is not a Department concerned with the teaching of the English language to non-native speakers. Should you wish to work on your English rather than do research in English literature, please contact the Writing and Language Skills Centre.