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Mental Health and Addictions

Mental Health and Addiction

Mental Health contact: Kerry Cipriano
Telephone icon Tel: 01904 321719
Email icon Email: kerry.cipriano@york.ac.uk

Addiction contact: Jo Orchard
Telephone icon Tel: 01904 321356
Email icon Email: jo.orchard@york.ac.uk

Welcome to the York Mental Health and Addiction Research Group (MHARG).

Our research informs mental health and addiction policy and services, particularly in the NHS. We integrate population, clinical, behavioural, economic, environmental and other scientific perspectives. We work in partnership with people with addictions or mental health ill health. Taking a population perspective, we are especially focussed on prevention, early intervention and in understanding mental ill health and addictions across the lifecourse.

MHARG has a particularly strong record in undertaking evidence syntheses and large pragmatic randomised controlled trials to inform NHS policy and practice. We work in partnership with the York Trials Unit and the . MHARG plays a leadership role in collaborative research across Yorkshire and Humberside (population 6.2million), via the ). This allows us to deliver ambitious research at scale and in collaboration with NHS partners.

The research in MHARG is also global, with especially strong partnerships in South Asia via our NIHR  initiative.

MHARG is based in the Department of Health Sciences at the 四虎影院 and our work is supported by the Hull York Medical School (HYMS). We number around 75 research, academic, support and administrative staff. The key areas of research activity within our group are outlined in our underpinning themes.

The group is directed by Professor Peter Coventry and is administered by Kerry Cipriano and Jo Orchard.



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