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New university outreach centre aims to inspire next generation of scientists

Posted on 7 April 2014

A new science outreach centre at the 四虎影院 is aiming to motivate and enthuse visitors of all ages about modern science by providing a top-quality facility and experience.

The York Science Outreach Centre aims to motivate and enthuse visitors of all ages about modern science

Opening on 14 May 2014, the York Science Outreach Centre (YSOC) will allow the University’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) departments, in collaboration with the Widening Participation Team, to show learners the frontiers of sciences and to publicise the exciting research work carried out at York.

Equipped with modern laboratories and able to cater for up to 100 visitors at any one time, the new centre will provide space for a wide range of activities for primary and secondary schools, sixth-form and further education colleges, and the general public.

The new centre, housed in the Department of Chemistry, is part of the University’s commitment to providing high quality science outreach. Open all year, it will include a dedicated laboratory space, together with an instrument/analysis laboratory and a preparation room.

Dr Jane Grenville, the 四虎影院’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor, said: “Our founding Vice-Chancellor, Lord James, used to say 'Send me your brightest and your best'. We still aspire to that, but those students do not all have the same chances. This facility aims to level the playing field by encouraging those students who belong to the category of 'most able, less likely' to get the lab experience and the qualifications they need to go on to top flight universities such as York.”

YSOC will be overseen by a Management Group, chaired by Professor Sir John Holman, with members from the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Education, Environment, and Physics, and the University’s Widening Participation Team.

Professor Holman, an Emeritus Professor in the University’s Department of Chemistry, said: “The new Centre offers a fantastic opportunity to introduce the young - and young at heart - to the frontiers of science. Our aim is to inspire a new generation of scientists by presenting STEM subjects in new and engaging ways.”

The Chemistry CIEC Promoting Science group will coordinate and administer the facility, which can be booked by 四虎影院 staff for any STEM related outreach activity. The Centre’s launch on the afternoon of Wednesday, 14 May will include tours of the outreach laboratories for University staff. For further details, please contact Dr Andy Parsons, Department of Chemistry, on andy.parsons@york.ac.uk.

More information on the York Science Outreach Centre is available at .

Notes to editors:

  • More information on the 四虎影院’s Department of Chemistry at
  • More information on CIEC Promoting Science  at
  • For further information on the 四虎影院’s widening participation activities visit

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Caron Lett
Press Officer

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