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Female York student selected for international Google scholarship

Posted on 7 July 2014

A ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº Electronics undergraduate has been selected as one of the 2014 Google Anita Borg Memorial scholars for the academic year 2014 – 2015.

Viviam Reyes

Viviam Reyes, a third year undergraduate in the Department of Electronics, will travel to Zurich, Switzerland in early July to attend a three day retreat at the headquarters of Google and meet fellow scholars selected for the prestigious scheme.

Launched in 2004, The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship honors the work of Dr. Anita Borg and supports women in technology. Google hopes to encourage women to excel in computing and technology and become active role models and leaders in the field.

Scholars each receive €7,000 for the year and are awarded on the strength of their academic background, passion for increasing the involvement of women in computer science, and demonstrated leadership.

Miss Reyes said: “Many people stereotype saying that science relates to men and humanities and arts relate to women. This type of stereotyping can lower women's aspirations for science and engineering careers, it is a major cultural problem and it is something we need to argue against and change.”

“Women are exceptional integrators, team builders, have the ability to multitask, and yet they have been traditionally underrepresented in the field of technology. Women certainly play an essential role in this field and I am extremely grateful to be one of the 2014 Google Anita Borg Memorial scholars. I encourage every woman in the field to never underestimate themselves and to always believe in their potential.”

Viviam Reyes is currently on an industry placement year in Germany, working at Fraunhofer IIS, home of the MP3, and she will return to York this Autumn to continue with her studies.

Further information:

  • For further information about the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship programme visit:
  • For more information about York’s Department of Electronics, visit:

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