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Asymptomatic testing available on campus for local residents

Posted on 11 January 2021

The 四虎影院 has partnered with the Council to offer asymptomatic testing to eligible York residents.

The testing centre is based at the Sport Centre on Campus West.

The testing centre, which will run in conjunction with the University鈥檚 existing testing programme for staff and students, will be based at the Sport Centre on Campus West. 

The facility compliments a similar testing site at York St John University and will offer more residents the chance to get tested.


It is estimated that 1 in 3 people with coronavirus do not display symptoms, and therefore, some individuals will be spreading the virus without realising.

Testing is voluntary and residents of the City of York can book a rapid test if:

  • you're aged 18 or over, and you are still going to work as you cannot work from home during the period of national restrictions
  • you're aged 18 or over, and you work with, live with, or support those most at risk from coronavirus
  • you're a pupil of a secondary school in York and you are eligible to attend during the period of national restrictions

 Find out how residents of the City of York can book a slot.

The University has ringfenced booking slots for staff and students who can continue to access tests at the same venue.

Staff and students should continue to book through the University website.

The testing facility adheres to strict Covid-secure measures and marshalls are on hand to direct people to the facilities.

Measures in place include a socially-distanced queuing system outside and a clear one-way route inside the test centre.


In addition, testing facility staff will direct visitors to one of the disinfected, screened bays to perform the test.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Charlie Jeffery said: 鈥淭hroughout this pandemic we have been working with our key partners across the city and region to support the wider community and this is another example of that close collaboration.

 鈥淎symptomatic testing is vital in reducing transmission rates and helping to protect the public, and ultimately the NHS, and I am pleased that we can play our part in broadening testing across the City to identify those showing no symptoms.鈥

Ian Wiggins, Strategic Projects Director at the 四虎影院, said:鈥滻 would like to thank the City of York Council for their help and support in making this happen.

鈥淭his collaboration means we are now able to expand our hours and testing capacity to the benefit of our staff and students, alongside the wider community across our city."


Councillor Keith Aspden, Leader of City of York Council, added: 鈥淲e are really grateful to the thousands who have booked a test and are continuing to get tested regularly, it does make a difference and will help to stop the spread of the Coronavirus.

鈥淭hroughout this pandemic we have been working incredibly closely with our partners. Our thanks go to the 四虎影院 for offering their testing site to residents. This is yet another example of how the city has come together to fight Coronavirus.鈥

Sharon Stoltz, Director for Public Health at City of York Council said: 鈥淭his new site means we can offer more symptom-free tests to York residents. The early identification of symptom-free cases and subsequent self-isolation will help to stop the spread of the virus.

鈥淭hat so many residents are taking symptom-free tests regularly is testament to how we are looking out for each other as a city. If you are eligible please book regular tests to help the city fight Coronavirus and keep the people you love safe.鈥



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