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University signs Good Business Charter

Posted on 18 February 2021

The 四虎影院 has signed the Good Business Charter (GBC) - the first university in the country to do so.

GBCYork is the first University to sign-up to the GBC

Launched one year ago with founding members Deloitte, Capita, Brompton Bikes and London City airport, the  promotes responsible behaviour through ten key components including employee well-being, diversity and inclusion, environmental responsibility and ethical sourcing.

The University has received GBC accreditation in recognition of its commitment to responsible business practices.

Fairer society

Professor Kiran Trehan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Partnerships and Engagement for the 四虎影院, said on receiving the accreditation: 鈥淭he GBC provides an important benchmark for how we should enact our values as an organisation and as an employer.

鈥淎s educators of the next generation we also recognise that it is our responsibility to promote ethical leadership, nurture inclusive business and to help create a fairer society. By working with the Foundation, we will learn from one another.鈥 

The GBC accreditation gives consumers an understanding that a particular business or organisation values responsible practices, and the Foundation aims to have more public sector organisations sign-up.

Leading the way

Founder of the , Yorkshire-based entrepreneur and philanthropist, Julian Richer, said: "We are thrilled to welcome the 四虎影院 as our first university to join the Good Business Charter and lead the way for the public sector.  

鈥淲e look forward to working with the University to inspire many more responsible organisations in the city to follow suit and get the recognition they deserve individually and collectively to show the nation that York is a great place to work and do business."

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Samantha Martin
Deputy Head of Media Relations (job share)

Tel: +44 (0)1904 322029