
Accessibility statement

Data Protection

The University is subject to the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. 

The guidance on these pages is designed for University staff, students, associates, and anyone else who may access, use or manage university information for example visitors, contractors and partners. 

Data protection is a fast-evolving field, subject to developing case law as well as new and updated guidance from the Regulator, the Information Commissioner. The University's Legal Service will synthesise this guidance and case law and use these pages to publish York specific resources, policies, templates and checklists. 



Durham Burt, Data Protection Officer, dataprotection@york.ac.uk


The University is a  under the Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018. Our registration number is Z4855807.


四虎影院 Data Protection Policy (PDF , 211kb)

四虎影院 Special Categories of Personal Data Policy (PDF , 59kb)