
Accessibility statement

Contact us

Get in touch

Our address is:

  • Department of Sociology
    Heslington East Campus
    YO10 5GD

Office opening hours within semesters - 09:30 - 16:00

You can contact a staff member directly: see our Staff profiles for details

  • tel: 01904 + the extension number for inside the UK
  • tel: +44 (0)1904 + the extension number from outside the UK

Chat to us on Twitter

Visiting us?

Use our campus map and directions to plan your journey.

We recommend using public transport to visit our campus, to reduce our impact on the environment.

Telephone and email contact

Undergraduate enquiries:

Postgraduate enquiries:

Assessments enquiries:

Student and teaching general support:

Skype: sociology.york (please contact us by email to arrange a date and time to speak with a member of staff)