
Accessibility statement

Private sector accommodation

If you choose to live with others, think about how your group would manage the day to day running of the house. Bear in mind larger groups of six or more can find it more difficult to manage themselves. Before committing to anything, make sure you can get along with the people you decide you want to live with. You can choose to live alone, live with housemates, or live with a landlord.

You should never feel pressured into choosing who you should live with. If you have doubts, it is best to take your time to think about your options thoroughly before signing a contract.

Housing support drop-ins 

The drop-ins are currently paused - please check back for details of the date to restart

Looking for support on a private sector accommodation issue? Join our new Student Housing Advisor, Jessica, every Thursday for help with any general questions you may have about private sector accommodation.

Looking for a rent guarantor?

Find out about rent guarantee schemes for students living in the private sector.

Looking for private sector accommodation?

Find somewhere to live in private sector housing.

Your guide to living off campus

See the York Law School and colleges 'Before You Sign' guide for key dos and don'ts of student accommodation: 

Before You Sign student accommodation guide (PDF , 930kb)

Viewing properties

Make a checklist of what you need and would like to have in your house. Look out for the safety and condition of the property and ensure fixtures and fittings are in good repair and working. Some things to think about include:

  • Are there signs of damp and mould?
  • Is the flooring worn?
  • Will you have to look after a garden?
  • Is there enough storage room for everyone?
  • Can you reasonably share bathroom and kitchen spaces?
  • Are the windows and door frames in good condition?
  • Could you easily exit the property if there were a fire or emergency?
  • Are there enough electrical sockets throughout the property?

Living off campus

Where can I find housemates?

Try the official Facebook page for your year group:

See also

Where can I find short-term accommodation?

The University offers a competitively-priced through our STEM Learning Centre. 

You can often find shorter term accommodation on:


Will I lose my college membership if I live off campus?

No, even if you live off campus, you will remain a member of your college.

What is an HMO and how can it help me?

licensing means that your landlord has extra legal responsibilities for ensuring there are adequate facilities for tenants. This includes meeting minimum requirements for the size and space of bedroom and the house, annual gas safety checks, and other necessary safety measures. 

It is likely that your house is an HMO if three or more unrelated tenants occupy the property and share basic facilities such as a kitchen or a bathroom. You can on the City of York Council website.


If you have a question, need specific advice or would like help from a specialist adviser, please contact the Student Support & Advice Team in the Student Hub.

Office hours

  • Semester time:
    9am - 5pm, Monday to Thursday
    10am - 5pm Friday
  • Vacation:
    10am - 4pm, Monday to Friday