
Accessibility statement

Student finance

Managing your finances while at university can be challenging but we are here to help. If you need further support or information use our useful finance contacts to get in touch.

If you're having finance issues or need advice on financial matters including funding and money worries the student advice team is your first point of contact. Find out more about the student advice team.

The best way to contact us is via email at student-hub@york.ac.uk. We provide all our services online, so you shouldn't come into the fees office unless absolutely necessary.

If you're unable to find the help you need regarding your fees please email the Cash and Fees office at fees-office@york.ac.uk and one of the team will arrange an appropriate contact with you to discuss your issue.


Make sure you've securely submitted your bank details to receive payments from the University.

Submitting documents

If you need to submit loan, funding or sponsor documentation please scan and email them to fees-office@york.ac.uk.

Tuition fees

Essential financial information

Find answers to any questions about student finances at the University in our guide: 

Essential Financial Information 2024/25 (PDF , 1,157kb)

Paying the University

The easiest way to pay for your accommodation and tuition fees is by direct debit. Find out more about:

Managing your money

Learn about managing your money, including information on:

  • Budgeting and living costs
  • Sources of funding
  • Saving money
  • Dealing with debt

Managing your money

Student protection plan

In the unlikely event that we need to substantially change or terminate a course, we have the Student Protection Plan in place to protect students who are affected by any proposed changes. This plan has been approved by the Office for Students.

Money laundering, fraud and scams

All students, in particular international students, are targets for criminal gangs who want students to bring illegal money into the UK, legitimise it by laundering it through student bank accounts or they entice students to exchange their own funds for illegal cash. Operating a bank account or dealing with cash in this manner is potentially illegal and there are serious consequences for engaging with this type of criminal activity.

The University no longer accepts cash as a payment method from students as part of our anti-money laundering procedures.

Additionally fraudsters will target students posing as legitimate organisations (such as the Home Office or education agent) and try to trick them into making payments to them before disappearing. The University will never offer discounts on tuition or accommodation fees through third parties.

Students should remain vigilant and question anything that seems unusual. Learn how to spot scams with our advice about scammers – they’re after your money.