
Accessibility statement

Tuition fees

York Online

  • Information for students on a 

You will need to pay your tuition fees directly to the University if you are self-funding your studies or if you have not applied for the maximum loan from the Student Loans Company (SLC).

Please note, there is a different payment procedure than the one outlined below for students on a .

Tuition fee amounts

Refer to your offer letter for your full tuition fee amount.

If you are having difficulty finding this, contact your Programme Administrator.

Placements and study abroad 

Your tuition fee will be reduced if you go on a work placement or a study abroad exchange for a full academic year. See more information about placements.

Tuition fee payments

The University never offers discounts on tuition or accommodation fees through third parties. See scammers - they're after your money.

How to pay

We do not accept payments in cash.

If you are responsible for paying your tuition fees, an invoice will be sent to your University account and you will be notified via your 四虎影院 email account.

You can pay in instalments, depending on the amount, duration of your studies, and whether you have a history of late payments. This is an automatic concession and does not have to be arranged with the Fees Office (see the table below). You can spread the cost by making monthly payments in advance of the instalment due dates by standing order from a UK bank account or regular one-off payments. Unfortunately, there is no facility to pay monthly by direct debit. Please note, if you're paying by instalment, you will not receive a reminder prior to the instalment dates. 

The University reserves the right to refuse this concession to students with a history of late payments. We reserve the right to amend the instalment concession arrangements offered for any future academic year. Any changes will be published in advance.

Undergraduates and postgraduate (research) international

Fee amount Payment deadline
Up to £680 or visiting Semester 1 only Pay in full by 31 October
Over £680 up to £1,380 or visiting two semesters only 50% by 31 October
50% by 31 January
Over £1,380 50% by 31 October
25% by 31 January
25% by 30 April

Postgraduates home

Fee amount Payment deadline
In three equal instalments 31 October
31 January
30 April

Postgraduates (taught) international

Fee amount Payment deadline
If you are starting in September or
50% by 31 October
50% by 31 January
If you are starting in January 50% by 31 January
50% by 30 April
If you are starting in April 50% by 30 April
50% by 31 July
If you are starting in July 50% by 31 July
50% by 31 October
If you are starting in any other month
the instalment dates are based on your
start date
50% by the last day of the 1st month
50% by the last day of the 4th month

Tuition fee refunds

If you decide to leave your studies, you may be due a refund of part of your tuition fees. 

Leaving the University

Problems paying tuition fees

We want to help. If you are experiencing any problems in paying your tuition fees, you must let the Fees Office know as soon as possible so that we can advise you on what you can do. may be available if you're encountering unexpected money problems or your loan has been delayed. The Student Hub can also advise on any additional sources of funding or loans available.

Please don't wait to advise us of any problems you're experiencing as this could have serious repercussions: you may be suspended from your studies and your credit status or immigration status may be seriously affected.

How we spend your tuition fees

How we spend your tuition fees, and our other income, on students at York.

Where do your tuition fees go?

Invoices and payment confirmation

We issue a tuition fee invoice to all international and postgraduate students. We don't issue tuition fee invoices to UK and EU undergraduate students until November.

If you made a payment via e:Vision then your receipt will normally appear in your e:Vision account within 24 hours. If you require a letter confirming that your fees have been paid, request this from the Fees Office at least five working days before the date the letter is required. There is a £10 charge for each letter and the Fees Office will let you know when the letter is ready for collection.

For more help, see our useful finance contacts page.