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Refreshers Week 2024: What to expect

Posted on 28 January 2024

Events and activities to kick off Semester 2 - and a refresher on what you might have missed.

Polish up your academic skills

31 Jan:
Have you missed or forgotten your Library induction? Join this relaxed online (re)introduction to our library services. We'll talk you through how it all works, from checking out a book on the shelves to getting hold of stuff we don't have. 

7 Feb:
Want to know how to work smarter, not harder? Come to an online 'You don't know what you don't know' session for an overview of tools you might find useful for planning and organising information, note taking and keeping track of your notes, working collaboratively, or keeping up to date.

9 Feb:
An online session identifying how assignment feedback from academic staff can be used to improve your writing. Find out what resources and sessions are available from the Academic Skills Community to work on these areas for improvement.

9 Feb:
23 Feb:
What is a dissertation and how does it differ from other assignment types? We have workshops aimed at both undergraduate and postgraduate students in Semester 2. Explore the academic skills that are needed to write a dissertation, plus the opportunities writing a dissertation offers you.

Go global this year

Come along to our Summer Opportunities Fair on 7 February to find out how to apply for opportunities to study, work and volunteer abroad during the summer vacation. Speak to Global Opportunities staff and meet York students who have been abroad. Discover more about independent travel opportunities from representatives of international volunteering organisations.

Register for the Summer Opportunities Fair

Or go global in York..?

A new semester is a great time to start learning a new language or maybe brushing up on your skills if you have studied a language before. Maybe you are considering taking a language for credit as part of your studies? What about a short course to familiarise yourself with languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian or Ukrainian? Join a Languages For All information session in Refreshers Week or Week 1 to find out more.

Languages For All

College and Students’ Union socials

From film nights, crafts and sports activities to board games and quiz nights, check with your college what your student committee has organised for Refreshers Week. There will be the usual food nights and the usual wellbeing support.

YUSU is hosting York’s biggest bar crawl - sign up for Roman Raid 2024 - or celebrate students’ academic and creative work at the first ever YUSU Community Conference! See for more information. Meanwhile, the GSA is looking ahead to the Year of the Dragon as well as Pal-entine’s Night. See .

Student events


Looking to the future

University life is about much more than just your degree. Join an online Discover York Award session on 7 February to find out more about York Award - a reflective award that captures your personal and professional development within and outside your programme of study in a way that appeals to employers and future study providers, and supports your next steps after graduation.


Wellbeing support - this week and every week…

And a reminder that there are lots of people here and ready to listen all year round. If you ever have a question or are finding things difficult, it is important to know that you do not have to struggle alone - we can help you find support. From the Student Hub to college support contacts, departmental student wellbeing officers to our Sexual Violence Liaison Officers or the Open Door team - please, reach out.

Support and advice Help and support