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Things to know this week - 5 February 2024: Refreshers Week

Posted on 5 February 2024

Welcome to your postgraduate taught student news summary of key things happening this Refreshers Week!

UoY community update

Light Up The Night tonight
We’re marking with our annual Light Up The Night walk this evening (5 February) and a session to demystify our tool. Find out more about .

Race Equality Matters
It’s and we’re encouraging everyone to take part in the . Take part in a different challenge each day with videos, articles or activities to help you reflect and take actions that will lead to change.

Marking LGBTQ+ History Month
Every February, LGBTQ+ History Month aims to increase the visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and raise awareness of the community's history, lives and experiences. Find out about .

1. Refresher on: academic opportunities

On many programmes at York, you have the opportunity to step outside your degree by taking a module in a different department - we call these ‘elective modules’. You could work in a multi-disciplinary team to tackle sustainability challenges, choose a language option, or explore a subject offered from 17 different departments. Find out about . You can also take a language course in addition to your programme. to find out more.

2. Refresher on: academic skills support

BRAND NEW this semester is a skills guide to help you understand your assignment feedback. You may receive comments on your essay structure, arguments, or tone. explores the types of feedback you might get, what it means and what you can do to act and improve on it. Don't miss the workshop on Friday (9 February), too. The Academic Skills Community offers a range of . See what’s coming up on critical thinking, academic writing, getting started on your dissertation and more!

3. Refresher on: wellbeing support

This week and every week there are a range of people ready to listen and support you on any aspect of life. Whether it’s or , we can help. From the Student Hub to college support contacts, departmental student wellbeing officers to our Sexual Violence Liaison Officers or the Open Door team - please, reach out. continue throughout Semester 2.

4. Refresher on: support for your future

There’s lots to get stuck into in Semester 2 for your personal and professional development: 

  • Come to a session (7 Feb) to find out how you can capture your development at York in a way that supports your future steps
  • Develop practical skills and give back by volunteering for a (deadline 7 Feb)
  • Attend the (7 Feb) to plan out your summer
  • Explore future study and research opportunities at our (7 Feb)

5. Fancy winning £1000? We’ve got 10 lots up for grabs!

Following unprecedented popularity last year, we’re excited to announce the return of our Brighter Futures Grants programme for Semester 2! Developed in partnership with Santander Universities exclusively for York students, there are 10 Brighter Futures Grants available, each with a value of £1000. Apply before 29 March for your chance to .

Offers, competitions and paid opportunities

  • Take a look at the to fund personal development opportunities


Things to know this week is produced and distributed by the University's Internal Communications Team. Please email any feedback to university-internal-comms@york.ac.uk.