We offer a range of pre-sessional academic English courses for international students. 

Applications to our pre-sessional courses are now closed for 2024. Our Summer 2025 courses are expected to open for applications in Autumn.

PSE Students
You’re guaranteed an offer of a single occupancy room in accommodation owned, managed or approved by the University if you accept an offer to study your main programme of study at York and apply for accommodation by 5pm BST on 31 July 2024.

Our pre-sessional programmes focus on developing your academic skills and English. The skills that you learn on these programmes will help you to establish a good foundation for your degree programme, as well as settle you into the 四虎影院 so that you are ready to get the most out of your degree programme from the moment you start it.

These courses are for any international students who either need to meet language criteria for their degree, or who have already met their language requirements and would like to better prepare themselves for their degree programme. Our courses are available both online and in-person. 

Former 四虎影院 International Pathway College (IPC) student, Angelina, talks about her pre-sessional English course experience. You can also access this video through our  page.

Need to meet language entry criteria?

International students who need to meet language requirements can come on one of our 16, 10 or 6-week programmes.

Have an unconditional offer?

International students who have met their language requirements and would like to better prepare themselves for academic study, as well as settle into the University before their degree programme starts, can come on our 4-week pre-sessional for unconditional offer holders.

How to apply

Applications for our pre-sessionals can be made through your You@York portal once you have an offer for a degree programme.

Contact us

International Pathway College

+44 (0) 1904 321500

Online pre-sessional courses

Meet your English language requirements from the comfort of your own home. You can study any of our 16, 10, 6 or 4-week pre-sessionals online as long as you have a laptop or computer with a good internet connection and a quiet place to study.

Online pre-sessionals

On-campus pre-sessional courses

You can complete our 4 or 6-week pre-sessional courses on our beautiful green campus, here in York. The 6-week programme is streamed depending on your future degree programme into: 

  • Arts, Humanities and Education
  • Postgraduate Management
  • Social Sciences
  • Science, Engineering and Maths.

On campus pre-sessionals

Applicants that have not applied to study at York

Our pre-sessional online courses are also open to applicants who have applied to degree courses at other UK universities or have not yet applied for a degree course.

If you have applied to another university, you will need to check with them to see if they will accept our pre-sessional course as a way of meeting their English language entry requirements.

Contact us

International Pathway College

+44 (0) 1904 321500