
Addiction is a state where a person feels dependent upon something physically, psychologically, behaviourally or all three.

If you have an addiction, you are not alone. According to the charity Action on Addiction, one in three people are addicted to something. That might be gambling, the internet, drugs, alcohol, shopping, nicotine or anything else.

What causes addictive behaviour?

Addiction stems from multiple complex reasons and can be a way of blocking out difficult feelings.

Addictive substances, like drugs and alcohol, can initially be very pleasant and enjoyable (sometimes called a ‘high’), which creates a strong desire and urge to repeat these feelings. Such repetition can develop into a habit that is very hard to break, ultimately leading to addiction.

What can I do to help myself?

If you are worried that you, or a friend, may have an addiction, there are lots of ways to seek help.

The NHS Live Well ‘’ is a really helpful guide about when and how to get help, whether for yourself or someone you know.

If you think you may be physically dependent upon drugs or alcohol, you should see your doctor before trying to stop as the effects of sudden withdrawal can be very severe.


Alcohol addiction support

Internet addiction support

Gambling addiction support

Mind Your Head videos

Further support

How can we help?

If you think you, or someone you know, might have an addiction, you should complete the Open Door online referral form - see help and support for more information.

Alternatively, make an appointment to see your doctor.

Help and support